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News regarding the mandatory regime of Reliability Standards in Québec - 2023
Date Event(s)
December 13, 2023

Posting of the presentations, the answers provided after the seminar, to questions asked via Zoom and the recordings of the Annual Reliability Seminar - 3rd edition organized by the Régie de l’énergie. This material is also published on the Ongoing training of the Use of monies collected as monetary penalties section, intended to inform the stakeholders of the actions implemented by the Régie to ensure the reliability of electric power transmission in Québec.

Update of the following web pages:

  • Québec Reliability Standard Audit Worksheets (QRSAW) – in order to publish the audit forms of CIP-010-4, CIP-013-2, TOP-001-5 and TPL-007-4 standards; 
  • Regulatory framework – in order to modify the layout of the English web page to add the new regulatory file R-4245-2023 and to transfer the completed regulatory file related to reliability R-4225-2023.
November 29, 2023 Approval of the 2024 Québec Implementation Plan through a letter addressed to NPCC and distributed to registered entities on November 29, 2023.

Publication of the 2024 Québec Implementation Plan.
November 15, 2023

Letters sent to the registered entities on October 31 and November 6, 2023.

Update of the following web pages:

September 27, 2023

Update of the following web pages:

July 5, 2023

Update of the following web pages:

June 14, 2023

Letter sent to the Registered Entities on May 18, 2023

Email sent to the Registered Entities on May 29, 2023 announcing the launch of the Régie de l’énergie’s new website

Update of the following web pages:

March 29, 2023

Letters sent to the registered entities on January 30 and February 9, 2023.

Update of the following web pages:

  • Effective Reliability Standards – in order to update the table with Reliability Standards put into effect or withdrawn on April 1, 2023 as well as the « Complete set of Effective Reliability Standards » document;
  • Reliability Standards effective at a future date – in order to transfer to « Effective Reliability Standards » table, standards whose effective date is April 1, 2023, as well as to add standards in follow up to decision D-2022-150;
  • Inactive Reliability Standards – in order to update the table with standards having a withdrawal date of April 1, 2023;
  • Reliability Standards (Requirements) to be withdrawn at a future date – in order to transfer to « Inactive Reliability Standards » table, standards whose withdrawal date is April 1, 2023, as well as to add standards in follow up to decision D-2022-150;
  • Register of Entities Subject to Reliability Standards – in order to update the Table of Reliability Standards put into effect on April 1, 2023 and applicable functions;
  • Forms – in order to update the list of standards and requirements subject to the procedure for requesting and obtaining a TFE;
  • Regulatory framework – in order to modify the layout of the English web page to add new regulatory files R-4224-2023 and R-4225-2023, as well as to transfer the completed regulatory files related to reliability R-4179-2021 and R-4204-2022;
  • Audit reports – in order to publish the public audit reports of registered entities of Ville de Saguenay (Hydro-Jonquière) and Ville de Sherbrooke (Hydro-Sherbrooke).
January 25, 2023

Letter sent to the registered entities.

Update of the following web pages:

January 11, 2023

Update of the following web pages: